Saddarmaramaya has been started by venerable Jinarathana prelate who was lived at the Rathnodaya Maha Vihara of Meddegama on 27 of August 1975.The land was
given by R.Ukkuamma(Upasikawa) to create Sri Saddarmaramaya. At that time, venerable
Kudagama Gunalankara thera was at the temple and started to develop Sri
Saddarmaramaya.Today, the temple has a very good development and venerable Kandupagama
Pannaloka who is prelate of the temple is developing the Sri Saddarmaramaya day by day with the help of people of the area. There are seven monk reside in temple and venerable Lankapura Amitharathana thera is the Viharadikari thera.Actually, Sri Saddarmaramaya is the light of the area and do lot of things for the well being of the village. As a result of that, there is a great daham school in the temple and it creates virtuous children to the society. There is a great bodiya with a golden fence and every Saturday held bodipooja for the well being of the entire country. If you wish do any donation for the development of Sri Saddarmaramaya, you can have a chance after informing prelate of the temple venerable Kandupagama Pannaloka.
Kandupagama Pannaloka prelate was born in Labunoruwa Kandupagama village in
Anuradapura district.He joined to the Meddegama Rathnodaya Mahaviharaya as a
student of Venerable Meethenwala Ginarathana prelate on 06th of
April 1994. Pannaloka thera lived 2 years at the Meddegama Rathnodaya
Mahaviharaya.After that he changed his residence to Sri Saddarmaramaya
Viharaya.After his A/L, joined to the University to follow a special
degree on Buddhist Vision.Now , Venerable
Kandupagama Pannaloka thera is the prelate of the Sri Saddarmaramaya Viharaya and main lecturer
of Daham school of the this temple.Actually, Venerable Kandupagama Pannaloka
thera is the living light of the village.